ESIC Staff Nurse Exam TRY Solved question Papers - Paper II

     Select the most appropriate response.

1. The SA node is situated in
  1. Right atrium
  2. Right ventricle
  3. Left atrium
  4. Left ventricle

2.   Hydramnios is a condtition where there is excess volume of
  1. Amniotic fluid
  2. Pleural fluid
  3. Peritoneal fluid
  4. Pericardial fluid

3.   Islets of Langerhans are present in
  1. Pancreas
  2. Liver
  3. Spleen
  4. Stomach

4.  Taste sensation from posterior 1/3 of tongue is conveyed by
  1. Facial N
  2. Glossopharyngeal N
  3. Vagus N
  4. Hypoglossal N

5.The primary visual area is situated in the
  1. Frontal lobe
  2. Temporal lobe
  3. Parietal lobe
  4. Occipital lobe

6.    The normal diameter of RBCs is :
  1. 6 to 7 µm
  2. 7 to 8 µm
  3. 8 to 9 µm
  4. 9 to 10 µm

7.  Contractile protein in skeletal muscle is :
  1. Actin
  2. Troponin
  3. Tropomyosin
  4. Titin

8.   Ptyalin is present in :
  1. Saliva
  2. Gastric juice
  3. Pancreatic juice
  4. Bile

9.    Sinus bradycardia is seen in;
  1. Tidal volume
  2. Residual volume
  3. Vital capacity
  4. Functional residual capacity

10.  The maximum volume of air that can be expired after a maximal inspiratory effort is called
  1. 350 g
  2. 300 g
  3. 250 g
  4. 200 g

11. An individual has the maximum number of oocytes :
  1. At 20 weeks of gestation
  2. At birth
  3. By pubertty
  4. By middle age

12. LH surge occurs :
  1. During ovulation
  2. 24 hours after ovulation
  3. 24 hours before ovulation
  4. 4 days after ovulation

13.   The major contributor to amniotic fluid is :
  1. Mother's plasma
  2. Fetal plasma
  3. Mother's urine
  4. Fetal urine

14.  The average weight of human placenta at term is :
  1. 500 gm
  2. 1000 gm
  3. 1500 gm
  4. 2000 gm

15.   The appearance of Montgomery's follicles during pregnancy occur at  :
  1. Face
  2. Breast
  3. Vagina
  4. Cervix

16.    Corpus luteum secretes :
  1. Estrogen
  2. Human placental lactogen
  3. Progesterone
  4. Human chorionic gonadotrophin

17.    The mother generally feels the active fetal movements, first at the end of :
  1. 10 th week
  2. 12 th week
  3. 14 th week
  4. 16 th week

18.    All the following parameters are used to assesss the progress of labor Except :
  1. Cervical dilation
  2. Descent of fetus
  3. Fetal heart rate
  4. Uterine contractions

19.    In a primigravida the cervical dilation occurs at a maximum rate of :
  1. 2 cm/h
  2. 3 cm/h
  3. 4 cm/h
  4. 5 cm/h

20.   Discharge of Lochia occurs during:
  1. Menstruation
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Puerperium
  4. Lactation

21.    If the woman does not nurse her child, the menstrual flow will probably resume within
  1. 2 to 4 weeks after delivery
  2. 4 to 6 weeks after delivery
  3. 6 to 8 weeks after of delivery
  4. 8 to 10 weeks after delivery

22.    The duration of normal puerperium is
  1. 1 week
  2. 2 weeks
  3. 4 weeks
  4. 6 weeks

23. The most sensitive marker to predict preterm labour is
  1. Serum ferritin
  2. Cervical length
  3. Fibronectin
  4. Ferning test

24.   The commonest valvular disease in pregnancy
  1. Mitral incompetence
  2. Mitral stenosis
  3. Aortic stenosis
  4. Aortic incompetence

25.   Labour is said to be precipitated, whn it terminates in
  1. Less than one hour of onset
  2. Less than two hours of onset
  3. Less than three hours of onset
  4. Less than four hours of onset

26.  The corpus luteum of pregnancy is funcionally active upto
  1. 2 to 4 weeks
  2. 4 to 6 weeks
  3. 6 to 8 weeks
  4. 10 to 12 weeks

27. The main hormone responsible for lactation is
  1. Prolactin
  2. Oxytocin
  3. Oestrogen
  4. Progesterone

28.    In a healthy woman the only organism found in upper two-third of the vagina is
  1. Trichomonas vainalis
  2. Doderlein's bacillus
  3. Monilia
  4. Neisseria gonorrhoae

29.  The increase in basal body temperature after ovulation is due to
  1. Progesterone
  2. Oestrogen
  3. Leutenizing hormone
  4. Gonadotropin releasing hormone

30.   The best method for spacing child birth in woman is :
  1. Tubectomy
  2. IUCD
  3. Vaginal diaphragm
  4. Calendar method

31.    Regularly timed episodes of bleeding that are excessive in amount are called
  1. Polymenorrhoea
  2. Metrorrhagia
  3. Menorrhagia
  4. Menometrorrhagia

32.  The average normal respiratory rate per minut in a new born is
  1. 40/min
  2. 30/min
  3. 20/min
  4. 18/min

33. Infants usually double their birth weight by the age of
  1. 3 months
  2. 5 months
  3. 9 months
  4. 12 months

34. At birth there are
  1. 2 frontanelles
  2. 4 frotanelles
  3. 6 frontaneles
  4. 8 frontannelles

35.  The recommended sites for X-ray for bone age determination of 11 - 12 year child is
  1. Foot and ankle
  2. Shoulder
  3. Hands and wrist
  4. Elbow and hip

36.  BCG vaccine is given
  1. Orally
  2. Intramuscularly
  3. Intravenously
  4. Intradermally

37.   Scurvy is due to deficiency of :
  1. Vitamin D
  2. Vitamin C
  3. Vitamin B12
  4. Vitamin B2

38.   Mantoux test is positive in
  1. Tuberculosis
  2. AIDS
  3. Hepatitis
  4. Leprosy

39.    The cyanotic congenital heart disease is
  1. Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
  2. Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
  3. Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
  4. Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)

40.    The major criteria for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever include all Except :
  1. Carditis
  2. Fever
  3. Chorea
  4. Subcutaneous nodules

41.   Abnormally high accumulation of CSF in the intracranial spaces is called as :
  1. Hydrocephalus
  2. Hydramnios
  3. Hydrocele
  4. Subdural effusion

42.   Paralysis of both lower limbs is called
  1. Hemiplegia
  2. Monoplegia
  3. Paraplegia
  4. Quadriplegia

43.   All of the flowwing are the features of nephrotic syndrome Except :
  1. Edema
  2. Albuminuria
  3. Hypercholesterolemia
  4. Increased blood pressure

44.    Hypochromic and microcytic RBCs are seen in :
  1. Pernicious anemia
  2. Iron deficiency anemia
  3. hemolytic anemia
  4. Acute blood loss

45.   Purpura is a manifestation of :
  1. Anemia
  2. Leucopenia
  3. Thrombocytopenia
  4. Leucocytosis

46.    Accumulation of excess fluid in the intestinal space is called :
  1. Efffusion
  2. Inflammation
  3. Swelling
  4. Edema

47.  A localized abnormal dilatation of any blood vessel is called
  1. Thrombosis
  2. Embolism
  3. Aneurysm
  4. Atherosclerosis

48.   The benign tumor of blood vessel is called
  1. Adenoma
  2. Hemangioma
  3. Lipoma
  4. Myoma

49.   All of the flowwing are chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders (COPD) Except :
  1. Emphysema
  2. Chronic bronchitis
  3. Bronchial asthma
  4. Pleural effusion

50.   Vomiting of blood is called
  1. Haematemesis
  2. Haemoptysis
  3. Malaena
  4. Haemarthrosis

51.   The most universally accepted indicator of health status is
  1. Crude death rate
  2. Infant mortality rate
  3. Case fatality rate
  4. Adult mortality rate

52.    The ability of an organism to induce clinically apparent illness is called:
  1. Pathogenicity
  2. Infectivity
  3. Virulence
  4. Aetiology

53.   Life style modification is an example for :
  1. Primary prevention
  2. Secondary prevention
  3. Tertiary prevention
  4. Primordial prevention

54.   Hospital acquired infection is called
  1. Opportunistic infecction
  2. Iatrogenic disease
  3. Nosocomial infection
  4. Zoonoses

55.   The ability of a test to identify correctly those who do not have the disease is called
  1. Sensitivity
  2. Specificity
  3. Validity
  4. Predictive value

56.    All of the following facts about Chickenpox are true Except:
  1. Incubation period is about 15 days
  2. Rashes are superficial
  3. Centrifugal distribution of rashes
  4. Rash mostly in flexor surfaces

57.   The drug of choice for chemoprophylaxis of cholera is :
  1. Chloramphenicol
  2. Co-trimoxazole
  3. Amoxicillin
  4. Tetracycline

58.    The minimum number of doses of tetanus toxoid given to a pregnant woman is :
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. three
  4. Four

59.   The non-modifiable risk factors for hypertension include all Except :
  1. Age
  2. Sex
  3. Genetic factors
  4. Obesity

60.    Sex ratio is defined as :
  1. The number of females per 1000 males
  2. The number of females per 1000 births
  3. The number of males per 1000 births
  4. The number of males per 1000 females

61.   The medical termination of pregnancy Act (MTP Act) was passed in the year :
  1. 1961
  2. 1971
  3. 1975
  4. 1981

62.    The amount of energy provided by Fat is
  1. 3 Kcal/gm
  2. 4 Kcal/gm
  3. 6 Kcal/gm
  4. 9 Kcal/gm

63.   Blooe clotting time is considerably prolonged in deficiency of
  1. Vitamin B2
  2. Vitamin K
  3. Vitamin B6
  4. Vitamin B12

64.    The net protein utilization is maxium for :
  1. Egg
  2. Meat
  3. Milk
  4. Soya Bean

65.   Normal IQ is in the range of :
  1. 0 to 24
  2. 25 to 49
  3. 80 to 89
  4. 90 to 103

66.   A family consisting of maried couple and their children is called
  1. Nuclear family
  2. Joint family
  3. Single family
  4. Three generation family

67.   Steroids are preferably administered once in the
  1. Morning
  2. Afternoon
  3. Evening
  4. Bedtime

68.    The best test to assess the prognosis of the patients is
  1. hemoglobin level
  2. Packed cell volume
  3. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  4. Osmotic fragility test

69.   For every 1 degree  F of rise in temperature, the pulse increases by
  1. 5 beats/min
  2. 10 beats/min
  3. 15 beats/min
  4. 20 beats/min

70.    Usually, from which data is the body mass index (BMI) calculated ?
  1. Person's weight alone
  2. Perso's height alone
  3. Person''s basal metabolic rate (BMR)
  4. Person's weight and height

71.   Fat soluble vitamins include all Except :
  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B12
  3. Vitamin D
  4. Vitamin E

72.   The antiviral drug among the following is :
  1. Aciclovir
  2. Ethambutol
  3. Tetracycline
  4. Ampicillin

73.   In general, arterial oxygenation is satisfactory , if SpO2 is greater than
  1. 60 %
  2. 70%
  3. 80%
  4. 90%

74.    Capnography is a measurement of
  1. CO2 concentration
  2. H+ ion concentration
  3. Bicarbonate concentration
  4. Anion gap

75.   Excessive fatugue after minimal physical or mental exertion is :
  1. Anorxia nervosa
  2. Bulimia nervosa
  3. Neurasthenia
  4. Dissociative disorder

76.  The commonest causative organism for urinary tract infection is :
  1. Proteus
  2. Escherichia coli
  3. Pseudomonas
  4. Streptococcus

77.   Unpleasant awareness of one's own heart beat is called
  1. Dyspnoea
  2. Tachycardia
  3. Bradycardia
  4. Palpitation

78.    The early predictor of diabetic nephropathy is
  1. Blood urea level
  2. Serum creatinine level
  3. Micro albuminuria
  4. Hyperkalemia

79.   Absorbable suture materials include all Except :
  1. Catgut
  2. Collagen
  3. Polyester
  4. Polydioxanone

80.    Dysphagia is :
  1. Difficulty in eating
  2. difficulty in speaking'
  3. Difficulty in breathing
  4. Difficulty in swallowing

81.   Chief cells of gastric gland secrete :
  1. Mucus
  2. Pepsinogen
  3. Hydrochloric acid
  4. Intrinsic factor

82.   In cases suffering from hepatic encephalopathy the dietary protein intake should be restricted to :
  1. Less than 50 gm/day
  2. Less than 40 gm/day
  3. Less than 30 gm/day
  4. Less than 20 gm/day

83.   High levels of alphafetoprotein is diagnostic of
  1. Obstructive jaundice
  2. Hepatoma
  3. Cirrhosis of liver
  4. Wilson's disease

84.    Children who have undergone splenectomy should receive :
  1. Pneumococcal vaccine
  2. Hepatitis vaccine
  3. Yellow fever vaccine
  4. BCG Vaccine

85.   The most widely used test for pancreatic damage is :
  1. Serum bilirubin
  2. Serum alkaline phosphatase
  3. Serum amylase
  4. Serum bicarbonate

86.    Volvulae conniventes is characteristically seen in :
  1. Duodenum
  2. Jejunum
  3. Ileum
  4. Large intestine

87.   Proctoscopy is used to inspect :
  1. Uterus
  2. Ureter
  3. Bladder
  4. Lower rectum

88.    Bonney's test is used to confirm
  1. Stress incontinence
  2. Urge incontinence
  3. Overflow incontinence
  4. Neurogenic incontinence

89.   The perimeter is used to assess :
  1. Visual acuity
  2. Colour vision
  3. Visual field
  4. Ocular tension

90.    The basic unit to measure the amount of activity in a radioactive sample is
  1. Roentgen
  2. Curie
  3. Rad
  4. Decibel

91.  All of the following are IV anesthetic agents Except :
  1. Thiopental sodium
  2. Morphine
  3. Meperidine
  4. Diethy ether

92.    The concentration of oxygen in air is :
  1. 11%
  2. 21%
  3. 25%
  4. 32%

93.   The QRS complex in ECG represents :
  1. Atrial muscle depolarization
  2. Atrial muscle repolarization
  3. Ventricular muscle depolarization
  4. Ventricular muscle repolarization

94.    Removing 250 ml to 500 ml from a peripheral vein is called :
  1. Phlebotomy
  2. Venipuncture
  3. Plasmapheresis
  4. Vasodilation

95.   The electrolyte disorder that is common in patient on insulin infusion is :
  1. Hypokalemia
  2. Hyperkalemia
  3. Hyponatremia
  4. Hypernatremia

96.    Clean catch midstream technique is used to collect :
  1. Blood sample
  2. Pus sample
  3. Urine sample
  4. CSF sample

97.   The apical impulse of heart is normally felt at :
  1. Left fifth intercostal space
  2. Right fifth intercostal space
  3. Left second intercostal
  4. Right second intercostal space

98.    A graphical recording of electrical activity generated in the brain is called :
  1. Electroencephalography
  2. Electrocardiography
  3. Electromyography
  4. Echocardiography

99.   The bone remodelling hormone is :
  1. Vitamin D
  2. Calcitonin
  3. Parathormone
  4. Thyroxine

100.   An irresistible urge to void urine occurs when bladder volume increases to :
  1. 400 ml
  2. 600 ml
  3. 800 ml
  4. 1000 ml

101.   Who appoints the chief justice of India ?
  1. Governor
  2. President
  3. Prime Minister
  4. Chief Justice

102.  Telescope was first invented by :
  1. Hans Lippershey
  2. Copernicus
  3. Galileo Galilei
  4. Hubble

103.   The author of " A Passage To India" is :
  1. Gibbon
  2. Jawaharlal Nehru
  3. E.M.Forster
  4. Huxly

104.   Where do you find clock and calendar in computer ?
  1. Start menu
  2. Task Bar
  3. Menu Bar
  4. Desktop

105.   Rabi season is :
  1. April - June
  2. June - September
  3. October - April
  4. January - April

106.  Earth revolves around the sun in every ;
  1. 365 days
  2. 364 days
  3. 365¼ days
  4. 365½ days

107. Which one of the following is not matched correctly ?
  2. 2678766817RT  -  2678766817RT
  3. TA682XO9PIS  -   TA682XOP9IS
  4. AC0546327801 -   AC0546327801

108.   Today is Tuesday. After 62 days it will be
  1. Wednesday
  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday
  4. Sunday

110. THILLAI is coded as 135645 and PRABU is coded as 89427, then what is the code for BHARATHI ?
  1. 23494135
  2. 23494315
  3. 32494135
  4. 34294135

111.  Arrange the following words in a logical sequence.
        1. Cloth   2. Seed   3. Handloom   4. Cotton   5. Shirt
  1. 42315
  2. 24315
  3. 24135
  4. 21345

112.   Simplify
            2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 - 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5
            2.5 x 2.5 + 2.5 x 1.5 + 1.5 x 1.5
  1. 2.5
  2. 1.5
  3. 1
  4. (2.5)² - (1.5)²

113.  The average height of a class of 30 students is 1m 50cm. 6 new students increase the average height to 1m 55cm. Determine the average height of the 6 new studens
  1. 1m 65cm
  2. 1m 60cm
  3. 1m 85cm
  4. 1m 80cm

114.  Keerthi invests 15% of her monthly salary in medicine. 20% of her monthly salary in shopping and 40% of her monthly salary in household expenses. She saves the remaining amount of Rs 4500. What is Keerthi's annual income (in Rs)
  1. 271600
  2. 261600
  3. 216000
  4. 217600

115. The ratio of present ages of two sisters is 1:2 and six years back the ratio was 1:3. What will be the ratio of the ages after six years ?
  1. 3 : 5
  2. 5 : 3
  3. 2 : 3
  4. 3 : 2

116.  Vinu can do a piece of work in 7 days of 9 hours each and Meenu can do it in 6 days of 7 hours each. How long will they take to do it working together for 8 2/5 hours a d
  1. 3 days
  2. 6 days
  3. 4 days
  4. 5 days

117.   What is the value of three-fourth of two-fifth of one fifth of 32000 ?
  1. 1960
  2. 1980
  3. 1940
  4. 1920

118   Find the number of triangles from the figure shown on the right :
  1. 36
  2. 48
  3. 42
  4. 30

119.  X and Y are married couple. A and B are the sisters. A is the sister of X. A is the sister of X. How B is related to Y ?
  1. Daughter-in-law
  2. Sister-in-law
  3. Sister
  4. Daughter

120. If CHENNAI is coded as 49, what code can be code for MUMBAI ?
  1. 79
  2. 59
  3. 69
  4. 94

121.  Vitamin A : Night Blindness    ?????? : Scurvy
  1. Vitamin B
  2. Vitamin K
  3. Vitamin A
  4. Vitamin C

122.   Suresh, Kamalesh, Mukesh, Amith and Rakesh are friends. Suresh is shorter than Kamalesh but taller than Rakesh. Mukesh is the tallest. Amith is a little shorter than Kamalesh and a little taller than Suresh. Who has two persons taller and two persons Shorter than himself ?
  1. Amith
  2. Kamalesh
  3. Rakesh
  4. Sursh

123.  The average weight of human placenta at term is :
  1. 500 gm
  2. 1000 gm
  3. 1500 gm
  4. 2000 gm

124.  A, B and C are Educated; A, C and D are Hardworking. C,D and E are Employed; A, B, D and E are Polite. Who is Educated, Hardworking, Polite but not Employed ?
  1. B
  2. E
  3. A
  4. C

125.  The year next to 1988 having the same calendar as that of 1988 is :
  1. 1999
  2. 1990
  3. 1996
  4. 1993

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